Sulawesi is an island located in the central part of the State of Indonesia, is one of the 5 major islands in Indonesia Region. Sulawesi island has a lot of natural beauty and culture that is very thick.

Areas of interest on the island of Sulawesi, namely:
Makassar, Bira, Sengkang, Toraja, pendolo, Tentena, Ampana, Gorontalo, Togian, Bunaken, Manado.

Tana Toraja is located in the province of South Sulawesi, and is a mountainous region with a natural beauty that is extraordinary. Although it is about 346 Kilometers from the capital city of South Sulawesi (Makassar), did not diminish the enthusiasm of tourists to come visit this area.

Tana Toraja, known for its unique culture and become a magnet for international and domestic tourists to come and witness firsthand the cultural uniqueness. In addition to the unique culture of Tana Toraja is also endowed with a natural beauty that is so beautiful